
All Saints Spring Park Parochial Church Council v the Church

Judgment given

Case summary

Case ID



United Kingdom



All Saints Spring Park Parochial Church Council


Church Commissioners


Whether, when deciding that a scheme for the dissolution and division of a parish in the Diocese of Southwark should proceed, the Church Commissioners wrongly:(i) failed to consider whether the scheme gave rise to indirect discrimination, contrary to articles 8 and 9 of the Convention, read with article 14, insofar as the scheme would deprive a BAME-majority congregation of a BAME-led ministry; (ii) failed to have due regard to the public sector equality duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010; (iii) failed to consider the relevance of race inequality to the scheme's purpose, namely to make better provision for "the cure of souls"; and (iv) wrongly used the scheme to penalise the incumbent reverend for perceived mismanagement.


This is an appeal brought by All Saints Spring Park Parochial Church Council ("ASSP") against the decision of Church of England Church Commissioners dated 28 September 2021 that the pastoral scheme for ASSP in the Diocese of Southwark should proceed notwithstanding the representations against it. The scheme would have the effect of dispossessing the Reverend Yvonne Clarke, who served as the incumbent of the benefice of ASSP, and who was the first black deacon in the Church of England and the first and only black woman priest in the Diocese for many years. ASSP appeals to the Board on the basis that this decision was wrong, particularly in light of the impact of Mrs Clarke's dispossession on the local BAME congregation.

Date of issue

3 December 2021

Judgment details

Judgment date

30 July 2024

Neutral citation

[2024] UKPC 23

Judgment summary

30 July 2024



Hearing dates

Full hearing

Start date

27 February 2024

End date

28 February 2024

Watch hearings

27 February 2024 - Morning session

27 February 2024 - Afternoon session

28 February 2024 - Morning session

28 February 2024 - Afternoon session

Change log

Last updated 9 May 2024

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